Organic Cultivation Stage1: Soil Management

Organic Cultivation Technologies >> Organic Cultivation Model >> Stage 1: Soil Management




OVercome continuous cropping obstacle+reduce soil-borne pest disease+balance nutrients supplement+soil activation


Soil is the most important nutrients supplier to the plants. Most of the time, soil environment is the main factor causing pest and disease. Only healthy soil can grow healthy plants, thus, sustainable production comes from soil quality maintenance.


(Below listed the recommended dosage for every 1000 square meter):

GeoCare Products

。GeoEM-B: 1 ~2kg
。GeoChitosan-A: 1 ~2kg
。Green Up ~40kg(Natural minerals through high temperature calcination are easy to absorb, contains rich phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, silicon ferterlizer)
。Dipper King ~20kgOther materials

。Rice bran ~60~90kg
。Organic compost ~200~500kg(市售或自行堆製之半熟有機肥,可購買較便宜粉裝者)
。Compound fertilizer ~40kg(Conventional cultivation users can apply Taiwan Fertilizer 8-8-8+3 or 15-15-15+4, organic cultivation users shall increase organic fertilizer dosage)

。Molasses ~10-20kg
。Rice bran ~60~90kg
。Sesame meal or rape cake ~30kg
。Soybean meal ~50kg
。Fish bone powder ~30kg
。Rice hull/wood flour/bulkbag~50~100kg

※ p/s:以上有機資材使用量及種類可依現況土壤條件斟酌取捨。


1) Mixing GeoEM-B + rice bran + organic materials and spread it on soil with organic fertilizer.
2) Mixed up Dipper King & Greenp up:spread on the plot
3) Dilute GeoChitosan and molasses in 300~500ml water. Then, spray it on 將農寶-A+糖蜜:稀釋於300~500公升的水之後,均勻噴灑於之前撒於地表上的各種有機資材上(本項目可於整地後隨水淹灌)
4) 將各種資材均勻耕入土壤後,淹水澆濕;14~20天後再行播種或定植。

【Special Attention】

-ImportantTo avoid the roots harm by the heat during fermentation, do not immediately seedling or planting after manure application. The numbers of fermentation days depends on the temperature of the growing environment. Furthermore, at least 14 days or above will be best for planting while the bad germs had been destroyed and the beneficial bacteria is strong.

-Add-in some lime powder for soil pH adjustment before using Geo-EM. pH6 will be best for crop growing and probiotics.